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the only BOSTON players who has 40 points in the playoffs(1P)

[分享] the only BOSTON players who has 40 points in the playoffs(1P)attach_imghellolcy2016-5-1105797hellolcy2016-5-11 05:30 PM
the only player who has  30 pts , 4 assists , 5 blocks in the playoffs(1P)

[分享] the only player who has 30 pts , 4 assists , 5 blocks in the playoffs(1P)attach_imghellolcy2016-5-1105609hellolcy2016-5-11 05:29 PM
ONE OF THE BEST COACH  in basketball , not only in NBA(1P)

[分享] ONE OF THE BEST COACH in basketball , not only in NBA(1P)attach_imghellolcy2016-1-1666358rai43212016-4-28 08:49 AM
I think they can win 60 games next seasons  if their C /PF  score more(1P)

[分享] I think they can win 60 games next seasons if their C /PF score more(1P)attach_imghellolcy2016-4-2705594hellolcy2016-4-27 05:53 PM
3 times  6 man of the year , 2010 , 14, 16 , good SG /PG(2P)

[分享] 3 times 6 man of the year , 2010 , 14, 16 , good SG /PG(2P)attach_imghellolcy2016-4-2705571hellolcy2016-4-27 05:42 PM
this could be a really good team in the NBA now if these starter for you(1P)

[分享] this could be a really good team in the NBA now if these starter for you(1P)attach_imghellolcy2016-4-2705688hellolcy2016-4-27 05:40 PM
Old slam dunk by PG 13(5P)

[分享] Old slam dunk by PG 13(5P)attach_imghellolcy2016-4-2705646hellolcy2016-4-27 05:38 PM
The NCAA also loves the small ball , because of the GSW ?(2P)

[分享] The NCAA also loves the small ball , because of the GSW ?(2P)attach_imghellolcy2016-4-2705608hellolcy2016-4-27 05:37 PM
 [分享] 生涯最終9戰 Kobe承諾一定打完xxxxxdragon2016-3-2935698lovey7262016-4-14 10:40 PM
 [分享] 恭喜林書豪本季首度先發!!ahansin2015-11-2146114gt2gt32016-2-3 06:50 PM
今季GSW 19-0 , 連上季22-0 ,  more to come ?(32P)

[分享] 今季GSW 19-0 , 連上季22-0 , more to come ?(32P)attach_imghellolcy2015-12-115942zx09374646782016-1-14 04:22 PM
Karl-Anthony Towns FIRST NBA BASKETBALL  (Shaqtin  A Fool  for  LAL)(11P)

[分享] Karl-Anthony Towns FIRST NBA BASKETBALL (Shaqtin A Fool for LAL)(11P)attach_imghellolcy2015-11-1314958jormange2015-11-18 01:02 PM
all time player with only one team list(1P)

[分享] all time player with only one team list(1P)attach_imghellolcy2015-11-1304218hellolcy2015-11-13 09:40 PM
one of the best all around PG -Jason Kidd(138P)

[分享] one of the best all around PG -Jason Kidd(138P)attach_imghellolcy2015-11-1303982hellolcy2015-11-13 09:36 PM
投票 [分享] 關於現役禁區最有主宰力的球員peter13579912015-9-24144248月霒2015-11-1 04:19 AM
Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs(1P)

[分享] Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs(1P)attach_imghellolcy2015-10-3103695hellolcy2015-10-31 06:18 PM

[分享] OKC新教練(8P)attach_imghellolcy2015-10-2323139lien7401132015-10-28 06:54 PM
24 in Q1 , 40 in total , thats Curry opening(1P)

[分享] 24 in Q1 , 40 in total , thats Curry opening(1P)attach_imghellolcy2015-10-2803306hellolcy2015-10-28 04:12 PM
HOU rookie - Clint Capela(14P)

[分享] HOU rookie - Clint Capela(14P)attach_imghellolcy2015-10-2303073hellolcy2015-10-23 04:00 PM
MJ last year in Washington (Add photos)(4P)

[分享] MJ last year in Washington (Add photos)(4P)attach_img2323號2015-6-1013444elzepplin2015-10-18 01:41 PM
NBA經典紀錄片When They Were Young 藍光原盤【18gb/BDMV】(2P)

[分享] NBA經典紀錄片When They Were Young 藍光原盤【18gb/BDMV】(2P)attach_imgcool19932015-10-203136cool19932015-10-2 12:25 AM

[分享] MJ's 2nd Come Back(14P)attach_img2323號2015-6-10230322323號2015-6-12 01:54 AM
反對禁止Hack-A-Shaq ,  這是兵法,策略呀(1P)

[分享] 反對禁止Hack-A-Shaq , 這是兵法,策略呀(1P)attach_imghellolcy2015-4-27113704Rose.Jr2015-6-11 11:27 AM
今季 NBA 的 獎項.......(13P)

[分享] 今季 NBA 的 獎項.......(13P)attach_img2323號2015-6-10030682323號2015-6-10 04:40 AM
Some memory in All-Star games(10P)

[分享] Some memory in All-Star games(10P)attach_img2323號2015-6-10032152323號2015-6-10 04:16 AM

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